Thursday, June 8, 2017

Entry #22 -- Disembarking the Roller Coaster

Did you know there is a disease called MdDs?  Its actual name is Mal de Debarquement syndrome, however it is often more commonly referred to as “disembarking syndrome” or “land sickness.”  In my general research of the malady, I discovered this syndrome usually occurs after a cruise or air flight, and generally lasts one or two days. Some of the symptoms seem to be described as a type of rocking sensation or a sense of imbalance, although this is probably an oversimplification on my part.  The point is—it is real, and I can only imagine how disorienting and frustrating such an affliction might be.

Many of my dear Christian friends (particularly those new to faith) seem to be on some sort of Spiritual roller coaster ride.  One moment with their hands in the air shouting praises and hallelujahs; the next moment donning a dejected countenance and moaning about how Satan is persecuting them. [Note: See Entry #3: Go Play with Someone Else for more on this topic.] It makes me sad to see how their emotions fluctuate so severely and so rapidly. It’s somewhat exhausting to watch—and there is a solution!

Now to be clear, yes indeed, life is full of ups and downs. We all have good days and bad days.  But for the Christian, there is a way to survive these experiences in peace.  Jesus Christ, himself, provided the example and solution.  The story of Jesus calming the storm can be found in the gospels of Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25.  Historically, the Sea of Galilee is well-known for its sudden storms and squalls caused by the rapid changes in temperature—this in turn due to the location, geography, and topography of the area. Such fierce winds and high waves must have terrified even the best of sailors in the small wooden vessels of that time. Yet each passage of scripture noted above records Jesus as being asleep during the storm.

Jesus is asleep.  Why?  Was he indifferent to the plight of the disciples? Was he just so exhausted to the point of not caring?  Or in modern days, would we ask: Was he being persecuted by the Satan?  I would respectfully submit none of these questions are applicable.

I once heard my father-in-law teach a Bible study series in which he stated, “God is a God of cosmos, not chaos.”  I have never forgotten that statement, and I find it to be true in this situation as well.  The sudden squall on the Sea of Galilee was indeed causing chaos for the disciples.  But Jesus slept peacefully being a part of the Trinity of the God of cosmos (a complete, orderly, harmonious system). When he awoke, his command directed to the winds and sea to be calm was immediately obeyed.  Jesus was most definitely in charge.

When chaos (a state of confusion or disorder) seems to dominate our lives, we have an inner peace provided through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He calms the storms within us.  We are able to experience cosmos on the inside, even with chaos on the outside.  YES, you are able to disembark life’s Spiritual and emotional roller coaster!

Now I feel compelled to add a word of caution.  When you finally realize you no longer need to be jerked and tossed up and down through life, when you finally realize the Spiritual and emotional roller coaster of your life can stop if you want it to do so…you MAY disembark!  Yes you will still encounter good days and bad days…but your Spiritual and emotional life can remain steady and calm.  Disregard all those who would tell you that unless you are being bounced up and down, you are not a threat to Satan, and therefore, not living a “full” life.  This is a lie and it is not backed up by scripture…in fact, the example of Jesus proves the contrary to be true.  When you finally disembark, you might have a brief case of Mal de Debarquement syndrome—an awkward sense of imbalance or rocking sensation—especially if all of your other friends are still on the roller coaster.  You might think, Is it really this simple? Can I really have a calm inner peace during life’s storms?  Yes you can!

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”     Philippians 4:7 (NIV)
“And the God of peace will be with you.”     Philippians 4:9 (NIV)
“Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.”     Psalm 57:1-2 (NIV)

“For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”     Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”     Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Life will still throw chaos in your direction.  Just remember that you are free to disembark the Spiritual and emotional roller coaster.  Simply turn to the God of Cosmos because He is waiting to give you peace, comfort, and strength—calm in the midst of life’s storms!

Respectfully written and submitted by:
Dotty Willmon, Resurrection Christian

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