Thursday, August 24, 2023

The LORD God Almighty - Our Lord

 Psalm 8:1 and 9 (NIV)  LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

            The eighth Psalm is attributed to David and he both opens and closes this song by recognizing the sovereignty of the very name of the LORD God Almighty. Words carry interesting connotations. Something regarded as majestic is considered to be sovereign; one who is sovereign is regarded as above all others, supreme in both power and authority. Clearly David not only considers the very name of the LORD to be supreme in both power and authority, but he further identifies the Almighty as our Lord—our personal Lord.

            If you want to send chills up your spine, let that soak in for a moment. The very LORD who is above all others in power and authority—the very LORD who created all that exists, including you—is also the same personal Lord of your life who cares about every aspect and detail of your life. Nothing in your life is hidden from him, nor is anything unimportant to him. The LORD God Almighty, our Lord, is not only with us every moment of every day, but he is attentive in every way.

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

Psalm 6:9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer.

            The Book of Malachi is full of warnings; many warnings are specifically directed toward the priests and leaders of Israel. The common root of most of the warnings listed stem from one major problem—failure to honor and revere the name of the LORD God Almighty. Perhaps this is also our problem. Have we so weakened and watered down our religious faith that we fail to tremble at the very name of the One who created us?

Psalm 29:2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

Oh LORD, our God and Heavenly Father,

            Forgive us for failure to honor your name. Your name is majestic, sovereign, above all others in power and authority. Yet you allow us to be yours through the gift of your Son’s life.  With such a gift, how can we but humble ourselves before you? Thank you for being both the LORD God Almighty and our Lord.

            In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.


The devotional The LORD God Almighty – Our Lord appeared first on Write From My Heart at

email: Dotty Willmon,


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