Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Truth Will Set You Free

 John 8:31-32  …Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

            When I write, I have always been guided by whatever the Lord lays on my heart. My prayer is always that he will guide me in writing whatever it is that he wants others to read. Since I am not currently participating in any major social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) I am fully aware that my readership is relatively small, although climbing. I claim no special gifts nor talents other than what my Heavenly Father has allowed me to have for the purposes of putting words on paper in an interesting way.

             Having been raised in a Christian home and having been blessed with several Pastors and Bible scholars on both my family line and my husband’s, I sincerely believe that I have a solid foundation in biblical truths and most doctrinal issues. The reader is always free to disagree.

            Jesus taught that those who hold fast to his teachings were his disciples. Jesus taught truth. Truth is what sets you free—free from sin by means of salvation, and free from the lure of the world’s view. But it isn’t always the world’s view that leads us astray. Sometimes we are misguided by the very things we hear from popular Christian leaders and teachers. Sometimes we think because the words come from some popular or important name, or some popular video or movie that the information must certainly be correct, otherwise why would it be so popular?

            Perhaps this is our first clue. Jesus was never very “popular” in social circles. The Pharisees, Sadducees, and other Jewish officials never welcomed Jesus to be their best buddy. But Jesus taught truth and he never wavered. Jesus was steadfast, never on a spiritual roller coaster of holy-roller-highs and down-in-the-valley-blues. Jesus knew who he was and who his Father was, and Jesus lived a consistently honorable and pleasing life to glorify his Father—not the world.    

            Yesterday, in “Keep Your Head,” I wrote about the next wave of spiritual enlightenment heading our way and in fact at our very doorstep. My heart literally aches for family and friends who are being lured toward the movement by the emotionalism of it all. I spoke of setting aside Bible paraphrases—no, actually I advised to stop reading them!—and to find a good solid translation. Dig into God’s Word daily. Know what it says. Know how to apply it.

            Tomorrow I will begin writing a brief series of devotionals regarding spiritual gifts so often referenced by today’s most popular leaders. Yes, I may be outranked by many preachers and theologians, but I am not ashamed to write the truth. I am not out to win popularity contests nor have my name among the most popular circles.  You are always free to disagree; free to follow the crowd; free to hop on the spiritual roller coaster and take a spin. My hope, my prayer, my trust is that you will join me for a few days and that your eyes might be opened to the truth found in God’s Word. Today I will simply close with a prayer:

Gracious Heavenly Father,

            We ask forgiveness for our lack of diligence in studying your Word. Only by knowing your Word which is truth can we be aware of false teachings that sneak into our churches. We are tempted and enticed by the emotional lure of some type of spiritual high, when all along your Spirit resides in all who have come to salvation through your Son, Jesus Christ. Forgive us for seeking something else, something better—because in reality we already have the best, which is You.

            On a personal note, Heavenly Father, guide me in writing truth.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The devotional Truth Will Set You Free appeared first on Write From My Heart at

email: Dotty Willmon,

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