Monday, July 29, 2024

Whatever I May Face Today

Matthew 6:34  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

            Words spoken by Jesus—his words to the disciples and crowds on the mountainside which are still words to live by today. In fact, not long ago, my uncle wrote an email to me during a stormy day in Florida. My uncle’s note immediately brought the words of Matthew 6:34 to my mind. Instead of my usual post, I would like to share my uncle’s note with you because I know they were Write From His Heart; he wrote the following:

            It was a rainy day and I was planning to use my power wheelchair. As I worried in advance about the problem of getting from [the apartment and] the van to the [doctor’s] office, etc. I thought of asking God to cease the rain so I could keep dry. Then the thought came to me, “Who am I that God should change the weather just for me?” Then it came to me that a better prayer would be, “Lord, help me cope with whatever I may face today.” As things turned out, the rain continued, sometimes heavy, and none of the things I feared materialized. (I thought, there must be a valid point to all that somewhere.)

            My thoughts continued, wandering a bit, as I rode. I soon recognized a simple guideline falling into place that I think will help me do things that please the Lord—I should strive to do right, to do good, and to do well, asking and trusting the Lord for enabling grace and wisdom to discern His will. I share these thoughts just to give you something to chew on if you are ever stuck somewhere on a stormy day.

            I pray the Lord will make you aware of His presence. May the Joy of the Lord be your strength day by day.

            Dear friends, my uncle Don Wrigley wrote this note at the age of 95. He was a resident of a wonderful Christian retirement village in Florida and the appointment he referenced was some 30 miles away by village community van transport, he himself being confined to a wheelchair. You cannot imagine what inspiration he gave me through the years and he was always supportive of my writing ventures. This note was written back on January 17, 2024, but sadly I must say he died just over a week ago July 18, 2024. I will miss him incredibly and I will always cherish the notes he wrote through the years. Since “stormy days” do not always involve weather patterns, my question would be, To whom might you be an encourager today?

Gracious Heavenly Father,

            Thank you first for your love and care, for your mercy and grace. Thank you for those who encourage us, and may we always find time to encourage others. May we focus on today’s challenges knowing you are there to help us cope on any stormy day, either weather-related or personal. May we feel the grace and peace of your presence today.

            In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.


The devotional Whatever I May Face Today appeared first on Write From My Heart at

email: Dotty Willmon,

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