Thursday, November 12, 2020

He Hears Your Voice


Write From My Heart / November 12, 2020 / He Hears Your Voice

Psalm 55:16-17 (NIV)  But I call to God, and the LORD saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.

Psalm 34:18 (NIV)  The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

            Sometimes words are just not adequate enough to describe our aching hearts. Several days ago a close friend of my sons was listed as missing. Each passing day decreases the chances of his safety because of his urgent medical needs, yet we are not without hope. Many of us have been keeping prayers for his safe return.

            Life sometimes seems like it gives us more than we can bear. But I do know this—God hears every prayer—he hears my voice—he hears your voice. Answers may be swift or delayed in arriving. Answers may be easy or difficult to understand. But I do know this—God will respond, perhaps in ways we never considered.

            What need is pressing on your heart today? I can only imagine. But I do know this—God hears your voice.

Gracious Heavenly Father,

            We bring our heavy hearts to you, knowing that you alone can bring comfort and peace. We trust you for answers and the ability to accept answer that might be difficult to understand. You never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you for providing daily strength.

            In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen.

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