Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Very Good


Write From My Heart / November 4, 2020 / Very Good

Genesis 1:1 and 31 (NIV)  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (and) God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

            Have you ever thought about the word good? What does it mean to you? I keep an old Webster’s dictionary (1965) on my desk as a reference tool. Yes, I know I could easily in this day in age just “Google it” for the most up-to-date, politically correct definitions (and sometimes I do); however, that doesn’t always provide the most depth of understanding. For example, as a child I always wondered why God called his creation “good?” Why didn’t he say it was excellent, superb, wonderful, amazing?

            My old Webster’s provides a depth of understanding that answers my childhood question. There are at least 12 definitions for the word good itself with additional definitions on variations of that word. Just for fun, let’s apply some of those to Genesis 1:31.

good: having the proper qualities

God created the world with all the proper qualities necessary to sustain and maintain life.

good: suitable to a purpose

God made us with a purpose. We are to serve and honor him, to glorify him in all that we think, say, and do.

good: efficient, producing favorable results

God gave us qualities, talents, and abilities to use for his purposes. We are to be hard-working, not slothful nor lazy. We are told whatever we do, we should work at it with all our heart because it is the Lord God we are serving.

good: unspoiled, healthy, morally sound

God created a world without defect, disease, or decay. There existed nothing to mar God’s creation.

good: honorable, worthy

God created the world and everything in it to honor him. At that time man was worthy to enjoy the presence of the Heavenly Father.

good: enjoyable, happy, dependable

God enjoyed walking in the Garden with man. Man was happy in the presence of God. God could depend on man to care for his creation—both flora and fauna.

good: thorough, satisfying

God needed no other word to describe his creation.

            God saw and examined his creation and determined it was very good. The world and everything it contained was just as it should be without need of any additional supplementations or corrections. Then he put man in charge of its care.

Gracious Heavenly Father,

            Thank you for the provision of your creation. Thank you for creating mankind. May everything we do or say bring honor and glory to your name. Forgive us where we fail you as we so often do and guide us back to your loving arms of grace.

            In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen.

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