Monday, August 23, 2021



Write From My Heart

August 23, 2021


ANXIETY mentally distressing concern; self-doubt about one’s capacity to cope with the reality and nature of impending threat


Psalm 94:18-19 (NIV)  When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.


            I’m not sure about you, but I haven’t been very “joyful” as of late. When I see current world events unfold I am full of doubt about my ability to cope with it all—full of anxiety. However it is not God’s plan for me to be full of anxiety, nor is it his plan for you. He has encased us in his love—his unfailing, measureless, bountiful, gracious love. It is the love of God that supports us. In other words, God’s love keeps us from fainting, yielding, or losing courage. God’s love keeps us going when we are disheartened or distressed. When we allow God’s love to console us (i.e., alleviate our grief and sense of trouble or anxiety), it brings back the ability to be joyful in spite of present difficulties. No matter how often I slip and fall, no matter how often I allow anxiety to sneak its way into my mind—God’s love is already there. God’s love will keep me going and return joy to my heart.

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