Wednesday, October 13, 2021



Write From My Heart

October 13, 2021

Special Notation: Today’s devotional is not original with me. It was written by Dr. Joe R. Barnett who maintains a daily devotion called “Today’s Walk in the Word” posted through Pathway Evangelism, Inc. and can be located at  I encourage you to check out this site for short daily inspirational devotions. Subscribing to receive “Today’s Walk in the Word” via email is safe and I highly recommend taking the time to do so. It is published each weekday, Monday – Friday.

The post Faith, Love, Hope appeared first on Pathway Evangelism, Inc.

FAITH, LOVE, HOPE         12 Oct 2021    11:00pm

1 Thessalonians 1:3  We continually remember [you].

Paul had fond thoughts of the Thessalonians, saying he remembered, “your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope” (1 Thes 1:3).

Calvin called possession of these three qualities “a brief definition of true Christianity.”

Each is directional: faith is directed toward God, love toward others, and hope toward the future.

Each is time-related:  faith links to the past, love operates in the present, and hope looks to the future.

Each is productive:  faith works, love labors, and hope endures.

This triad of traits shapes our lives: we are drawn up to God in faith, out to others in love, and on to the second coming in hope.

Motivated by faith, love, and hope, we walk not into the darkness but into the dawn.

The post Faith, Love, Hope appeared first on Pathway Evangelism, Inc.

            My personal thanks to Joe R. Barnett for writing Today’s Walk in the Word. These daily devotionals have been an inspiration to me. May the Lord bless you as you continue to serve Him.

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