Sunday, October 10, 2021



Write From My Heart

October 10, 2021

GRACIOUS  marked by kindness and courtesy; generosity of spirit

PEACE  freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; state of tranquility; greeting or farewell

Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT)  May the LORD bless you and protect you, May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you, May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace.

            We love times of visiting family and friends. All too soon, it seems, the time comes to bid farewell and that is always a difficult thing to do. In today’s text, we read the familiar priestly blessing given by Aaron to the people of Israel which was the LORD’s commanded to Moses. This blessing was connected to the special vows of the Nazirites, but it has found common usage today within our church families in bidding each other farewell until such time that we are able to gather again. Nowhere within the blessing is there a promise of absence of  turmoil, stress, challenges, or troubled times—simple God’s protection, kindness, and peace during times of separation.

            That is my prayer for each of you. After considerable thought and prayer, I realize the need to give more concentrated time to my writing projects. I still feel led to continue Write From My Heart devotionals on a daily basis, but I will no longer be posting through Facebook.  In case you do not already have the web address, it is


            My second project is a four book series, the first of which, Exploring the Bible (by Dorothy Willmon), has recently been published via Amazon. It is currently available via paperback, and I hope to soon be able to offer it via Kindle eBooks as well.  Future books in this series planned so far will be:

Exploring the Bible available now

Exploring Creation in progress

Exploring Christian Living coming soon

Exploring Doctrine coming soon

            My most humble and sincere thank you to each and every one of you for your words of encouragement, kindness, and most of all your continued prayers.  I will definitely miss seeing you from time to time but will most likely rarely check in with Facebook. To my many friends and family, should you wish to pvt.msg. me, I will make sure you have my current email so that we can remain in contact. My one concern is that you know I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and my lack of responding to your posts is NOT a lack of caring. It is simply reflective of my absence and nothing more. This has been a major decision and a tough one, but I feel the Lord is calling me to give a little more concentration to my writing efforts. With his help, I hope to continue to serve him with whatever talent he has provided me.

The LORD bless you and protect you … and give you peace!

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