Friday, April 30, 2021



Write From My Heart

April 30, 2021


JUSTICE sound reasoning; upholding what is correct or fair


Isaiah 59:14-15 (NIV) So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice.


Note to the reader:  Although many words in this passage have similar meanings; over the next six days we will ponder some of the nuances (e.g., slight variations in meaning or expression) to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s Word and what it means for us today.


Ponder this:  What Isaiah spoke some 2,300+ years ago could just as easily be today’s headlines. We have come to the place in our society where what is correct or fair is not only pushed into the background—but worse; we are being indoctrinated to accept that which is correct or fair in the minds of, and to the benefit of, a select few. Our sense of sound reasoning is becoming an extinct character trait. Do you understand what justice is? What will you do to uphold it?

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