Psalm 101 (excerpts) I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless heart. I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do… I will have nothing to do with what is evil…My eyes will be on the faithful in the land…
Perhaps one of the greatest dangers of contemporary Christian life is the temptation to succumb to society’s culture of tolerance and vox populi (i.e., the voice of the people; popular sentiment or opinion). As Christians, we have always been called to live a life pleasing to God—one that is upright, truthful, faithful, loving, and kind. What stands out to me in this passage is the resolve of David the Psalmist to not only keep his own eyes on the faithful, but to have nothing to do with what is evil—not even approve of such things. Now to be clear, his hatred is directed toward the actions of faithless people and not to the people who are faithless. It brings to mind the concept of “loving the sinner, but not the sin.”
In today’s topsy-turvy world, it is all to easy to tolerate the sin, thus allowing our silence to lend approval to things we absolutely know are displeasing to God. Rarely do we find courage to voice disapproval. We don’t want to “rock the boat,” “cause waves,” “offend someone,” or any other number of clichés we use to justify our inaction. In this, society and the social culture of the world has trained us well.
The question must be asked:
From whom do we receive our training and guide for life? From the world and vox popluli? Or from our Heavenly Father and his written Word?
Gracious Heavenly Father,
We live in a time that evil is not only tolerated but promoted. We are so thankful for your written Word preserved through the ages and available to us. We thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit to guide our understanding and to give us strength to stand with David in having nothing to do with the whims of this world. Forgive our complacency and indifference. Thank you for the example of David. May we, too, conduct the affairs of our homes with a blameless heart—always keeping our eyes on the faithful in the land.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.
The devotional Keep Your Eyes on the Faithful appeared first on Write From My Heart at
email: Dotty Willmon,
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