Proverbs 29:25 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.
1 Peter 3:15-16 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
All too often we succumb to the temptation to shrink back for fear of what others may think, and this might be a particularly strong temptation when it comes to sharing our faith. Why? What do we fear? In our country, there is not much fear of true persecution for being a Christian—certainly not as in early Roman days when a person and their entire family could be thrown to lions (literally) or crucified by any other of a wide variety of cruelly unspeakable means. So, again the question comes, what do we fear; what keeps us from sharing our faith with others? Here is the ultimate question for each of us to ponder:
When did we reach the point that we fear our choice to follow Christ might offend someone?
Christ has done so much for us. He gave his life so that we might have the gift of eternal life. Our hearts rejoice to be a part of God’s family! How can we keep this amazing gift secret? Let us rejoice and be glad! Let us proclaim the mercies of our Heavenly Father with confidence!
Gracious Heavenly Father,
Forgive me, forgive us all, for missed opportunities to share our faith with others. You have given us the greatest gift of all; life in Christ! Give us the confidence to no longer fear what others might think or say; but to always be ready to share our faith in every opportunity you provide. There is someone waiting to hear the Good News and they may not hear it if we are too timid to speak. Give us courage each day to share our faith.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.
The devotional Someone is Waiting to Hear appeared first on Write From My Heart at
email: Dotty Willmon,
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