John 10:24 The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”
Chapters 7, 8, 9 and the first eighteen verses of Chapter 10 of the Gospel of John record one event after another where Jesus’ opponents challenge who he is. Time and again, Jesus tells them plainly that he is The Christ, The Savior, The Shepherd, The Son sent from The Father. And now once again, they ask Jesus who he is. Jesus gives this response:
John 10:25 Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe.”
Dear Friends, it could not be any clearer or any more plainly stated than that. I am reminded of an old familiar hymn written by Paul Radar (1879-1938), Only Believe…
Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne, From death into life he went for his own; All power in earth, all power above, Is given to him for the flock of his love.
Fear not, little flock, he goeth ahead, Your Shepherd selecteth the path you must tread; The waters of Marah he’ll sweeten for thee, He drank all the bitter in Gethsemane.
Fear not, little flock, whatever your lot, He enters all rooms, “the doors being shut;” He never forsakes, he never is gone, So count on his presence in darkness and dawn.
Only believe, only believe; All things are possible, only believe; Only believe, only believe, All things are possible, only believe.
Gracious Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of salvation through your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for making it clear to all who would believe. We pray for those who have not yet believed that one day their hearts might turn to you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.
The devotional Tell Us Plainly appeared first on Write From My Heart
email: Dotty Willmon,
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