Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Cause and Effect

Write From My Heart
August 19, 2020
Cause and Effect

John 14:1 (NLT) [words of Christ]
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”

John 14:27 (NLT) [words of Christ]
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

            The account of Jesus calming the storm is recorded in three of the four gospels. Here are the scripture references:   Matthew 8:24-27     Mark 4:37-41     Luke 8:23-25

            Sometimes I enjoy scratching out some notes to compare the various accounts of a single event while keeping in mind the various perspectives of the different authors. For example, Matthew was one of the disciples and tax collector by trade so we can almost see the wheels turning in his head as he counts the cost of potential loss the boat, not to mention friends—yet he is determined to “follow him [Jesus], (v 23).” Mark was the youngster in the group and thought to be the secretary for Peter. Perhaps his youth shows as he boasts how “they took him [Jesus] along, just as he was, (v 36).” Finally, Luke, traveling companion to Paul and physician provides details of the great danger they faced.
            Certainly one of the greatest lessons this account teaches is learning that Jesus was unafraid because he knew the author of true peace. Most likely you have heard many Sunday School lessons and sermons devoted to this topic. But you know me, and I always try to dig a little deeper and find something new to add to my existing understanding. What I find remarkable is the command Jesus had over both cause and effect. Stay with me a moment—we know the great waves were the effect of the blowing winds, because it was the wind that caused the waves. Jesus commanded both! He might have just calmed the effect of the waves which was the immediate danger for the small fishing vessels of the day. That might have solved the problem temporarily, but he didn’t stop there. He also commanded the source and cause of the danger, namely the wind.
            What I learn from this is that when Jesus tells us he will give us peace—not the kind the world gives—but peace of mind and heart, he truly means what he says! He gives us the kind of peace that not only provides temporary relief, but he gives us true lasting peace—not  absence of trouble—but deeper peace that goes beyond anything we might face.

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