Friday, August 7, 2020

Our Nation's Foundation

Write From My Heart
August 7, 2020
Our Nation’s Foundation

Psalm 33:12 (NIV)
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.

Mayflower Compact, written November 11, 1620
…Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith…

The Pledge of Allegiance
…one nation under God…

            As a public-school teacher, I had the privilege to introduce students to many of the documents written at the onset of our nation’s history. These documents included The Constitution and its Preamble, The Bill of Rights, The Mayflower Compact, among others. However working for a public-school system often placed restrictions and limitations on the any references to God for fear of creating possible offense to others. Not anymore! Today I will write from my heart! Today I will “keep on speaking boldly for him as I should,” (Ephesians 6:20, NLT)!
            Were your children taught by a spineless, cowardly public-school teacher like myself? If so, fix it! Use this whole lock down of our nation’s schools to your advantage. Every child, grandchild, great-grandchild, niece, and nephew needs to hear what will never be uttered in a public school—America began with a purpose—to glorify God and to advance the Christian faith! It is incumbent on you, on me, on us to teach future generations these truths.
            We routinely pledge to be “one nation under God,” but I fear we are sliding away from God instead. How far have we slipped from the original purpose established by those first settlers; namely, to glorify God and advance the Christian faith? How far have we slipped away from being the nation “whose God is the LORD?” With all my heart, I believe prayer is the answer. Pray for our nation!

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