Wednesday, September 1, 2021



Write From My Heart

September 1, 2021

NOTE:  For the next several devotions, I will be using ideas from a book I just finished reading. Because I strongly believe in placing credit where credit is due, I would encourage you to read the book for yourselves. I purchased the Kindle version from Amazon; it is:

                       Barnett, Joe. 6 Verses that Can Change Your Life. CrossLink Publishing, 2011.

              Although I do not intend to copy anything, I still want to acknowledge that my writings will be heavily influenced by what I have read and what has helped me to grow in my spiritual life.  Thank you, Dr. Barnett.


UNDERSTANDING  depth and scope of knowledge and wisdom

Psalm 147:5 (NIV)  Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.

            Back on June 2, 2021, I wrote about understanding from the perspective of facts and conditions. However, today I simply want to write about basic understanding from the perspective of wisdom and depth of knowledge. It is quite simple. God is the One who holds all wisdom and knowledge of all things. The depth and scope of my wisdom and knowledge is quite limited. Therefore, I have a decision to make. I can lean on my own limited understanding and muddle through life the best I can; or, I can trust God who has no limitation of wisdom or knowledge. I choose to trust God with things I cannot understand. I choose to trust God when things are not going the way I think they ought to go. I choose to trust God when I am aging and my health slowly deteriorates. I choose to trust God when others make choices I would not advise. It is quite simple:

I choose to trust God!

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