Monday, January 18, 2021

Freedom to Use Self-Restraint

Write From My Heart / January 18, 2021 / Freedom to Use Self-Restraint

Romans 14:7 (NIV) For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone.

            Paul’s letter to the Roman Christians had much to say in both instruction and reminders of their responsibilities in regard to the law, faith, salvation, and especially in living a life pleasing to God. Paul reminds the new Christians they do not live in isolation of humanity. This message is also a good reminder today. What you do in life (i.e., the choices you make) affect more than just yourself. Although you are free to choose as you wish, what you choose affects not only you but your family and others as well. Paul reminds the early church that freedom to choose often means freedom to use restraint.

            Apparently it seems some of the early Christians believed their new-found freedom in Christ was a free pass to do whatever they believed to be right in their own interpretations. This caused conflict in the early church and it set a very negative relationship between the Jews who lived by strict rules and regulations and the Christians who now felt they had no restrictions. Paul carefully responds to this disparity of thought, and tucked inside a message specifically addressing dietary differences between Jews and Gentiles, Paul has the following comments:

Romans 14:13-23 excerpts (NIV) (v13) Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.      (v19) Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.     (v22) So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God.

            My heart tells me that although this passage initially addresses concerns of what was lawful or right to eat and what was not during Paul’s time, there is still a message we need to hear today. Perhaps we need to realize that it is wiser to spend less time worrying about what our “rights” are, and more time considering how to promote peace with those around us. As Christians, we have a responsibility and an obligation to encourage and lift up one another. Sometimes, it’s best to keep our thoughts and opinions to ourselves because God already knows what is on our hearts. Why stir up animosity? Doing so only leads to resentment. Our job is to lead others to the light of Christ through living responsible, peaceful lives; encouraging others whenever we have the opportunity.

Gracious Heavenly Father,

            We live in a world concerned with “what is right for me,” and sometimes we forget that our ultimate responsibility is to show your love to others. Help us lay aside those things that promote self and instead display those things in and through our lives that honor you. Thank you for our freedom to use self-restraint.

            In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen.

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