Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Working on Our Assignments

Write From My Heart / January 13, 2021 / Working on Our Assignments

Acts 20:24 (NLT) But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.

Ephesians 6:19,20 (NLT) And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike. … So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.

            Those who follow my writings know this is a topic that is frequently on my mind. I always begin with prayer and study before I write, and often my prayer is simply to ask the Lord to lay on my heart whatever it is that he knows someone else (or myself) needs to read. For me, I feel writing is my “assignment” but one which I enjoy and look forward to completing each day. For me, writing brings purpose and satisfaction to my retirement days. Like Paul, I also try to focus on sharing the Good News as well as offering words of encouragement to others. It is not easy to be “bold” especially during these current days of turmoil and unrest in our nation. However I must ask myself, what better time could there be than now to be a witness for my Lord and Savior?

            Are you aware that you also have an “assignment?” It might be small acts of encouraging others. It might be sharing music. It might be contacting others to make sure they are well. It might be continuing to work in your chosen profession or occupation while being keenly aware when others need that quick word of hope that you have opportunity to offer. It might be simply spending time quietly in prayer lifting up those who are in need of God’s comfort, healing, hope, peace, and strength. We all have purpose and can be useful to our Heavenly Father in more ways than we could possibly imagine. What is your assignment?

Gracious Heavenly Father,

            Thank you for giving us work to do for your glory and honor. May we quickly and faithfully respond to the opportunities you provide.

            In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen.

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