Friday, July 3, 2020

Quiet Contemplation - Day 39

Psalm 56:11 (NIV)
In God, whose word I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

            Fear is quite a prevalent topic in our current day. Many say they are fearful while many say we are to have no fear. To be honest, there is wisdom in both; it is a matter of proportions. Fear of a hot stove keeps you from painful consequences; some believe when they are told, some have to touch it to believe it.
            The Bible clearly tells us to “fear” the Lord. Many say that just means to respect the Lord while many say it clearly means to fear Almighty God who will one day put an end to wickedness (in whatever form or to whatever degree) once and for all eternity. Some will believe when they are told, some will tragically never reach the point of belief.
            The hard, brutal reality is that our nation is under the manipulation of a few. Here is one example: increased incentives for COVID testing = more tests = more positive result reporting = states (such as mine) stopping or slowing reopening process ironically just in time to prevent the recognition of the birth of our nation.  Soon, however, testing incentives will stop = less testing = less positive result reporting = “Oh look, we’ve flattened another curve. Yay for us.” Why does this matter? Many states (such as mine) are looking at ways to restrict voting in November or at least to find a method easier for data manipulation, possibly coinciding with testing reports. Dear friends, if this does not frighten you, perhaps it should.
            Here is the bottom line; my ability to move about freely may be manipulated (enjoy your freedom and your ability to celebrate the birth of our nation!). My ability to vote may be manipulated (use your vote wisely!) But one thing can never be manipulated, that is my prayer life! When all else in life seems dependent on a few evil, self-seeking individuals, I can still pray! And, believe me, I will!
            You should fear what is happening in our nation—not to the point of debilitating hopelessness—but to the point of adding states like mine to your prayer list!

Gracious Heavenly Father,
            Teach us the correct way to fear. Strengthen us when hope seems distant. Guide us to place our trust in you and remind those in safe places to pray for those whose freedoms are less secure. There is no shame in fear of present circumstances if it leads us closer to you, Lord.
            In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

Respectfully written and submitted by
Dotty Willmon, Resurrection Christian—looking for the blessed hope of Christ’s return!

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