Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV)
But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in
him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by
the stream. It does not fear when heat
comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and
never fails to bear fruit.
For the last several
days most of the southern and southwestern states have been in the midst of a
lengthy heat wave. Most days have been in the 100°+ range with weather
predictions including a few more days of heat yet to come. But this is not the
connection that drew my interest to this passage.
There are two other
points that drew my attention to this passage. In order for the tree to survive
heat or drought, it roots must reach deep down into the soil where there is
still moisture. When I apply this concept to my life, I realize that simply
knowing Bible basics or things I learned years ago as a child is not sufficient
to maintain my spiritual growth. I need to take the time to study God’s word frequently
and research what I don’t know. For me, that might be looking up a word or
definition, or trying to identify the timing or location a passage was written.
Sure, it takes time and effort, but the reward is often a clearer understanding
or finding a new application.
Such is the case with
this passage for it was the last five words that stood out to me. The tree that
is firmly rooted “never fails to bear fruit.” No matter what figurative drought
we face in our lives, when we are firmly rooted in Christ, we continue to bear
fruit for God’s kingdom. Even during times when we feel utterly useless, there
are still opportunities around us for our lives to bear witness for Christ. We
are able to accomplish this in times of stress or difficulty because we place
our trust in God and our roots reach deep into God’s word. I have never looked
at this analogy in quite this way before, but now I have something new to apply
to my understanding. The deeper I allow my “roots” to dig into God’s word, the
better able I am to withstand the “droughts” in life.
Gracious Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your
word and for guiding us in our understanding. May we give you the glory, honor,
and praise as we apply your truths in our daily walk with you.
In Christ’s name we
pray, Amen.
Respectfully written and submitted by,
Dotty Willmon, Resurrection Christian—looking for the blessed hope of
Christ’s return!
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