Write From My Heart / December 7, 2020 / Audits & Resolutions – Day 7
Question: How
often does God hear from me?
Psalm 5:3 (NIV) Morning by morning, O
LORD, you hear my voice; morning by morning, O LORD, I lay my requests before
you and wait in expectation.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV) Pray without ceasing. (NLT) Never stop praying.
Yesterday we examined our need to delve deeper into God’s Word. As it has been said in various ways and posted by numerous sources—you can never claim God is being silent if you keep your Bible closed. God’s Word is perhaps the primary method God uses to communicate with us. Prayer is how we communicate with him. So the question becomes how often does he hear from us?
Some might use the argument that if God already knows everything, why do we have to tell him? I look at it this way. I know my kids love me, but it is joyous when they tell me unsolicited, “Love you, Mom!” I know my husband and I love each other but saying so brings inner joy. The converse is also true. I think one of the deepest regrets I hear from people who have lost a family member is, “I never told them I loved them enough.” Or perhaps they say something like, “I wish I could go back and just visit with them one more time.” Yes, God already knows everything. But don’t you think he waits longingly to hear from his children? In the ups and in the downs, in the joys and in the sorrows—and we might even borrow from traditional wedding phrases—in good times and bad, in sickness and health—God is never more than a prayer away and he waits to hear from us.
Pray more.
Gracious Heavenly Father,
We thank you for the inspired writing of your Word, and for how you have protected this source of communication from you through the ages. Yet we understand that communication is both receiving and giving information and on this we acknowledge any failures on our part to be faithful in our prayers to you. We acknowledge your all-knowing qualities and realize how you still desire for us to speak with you daily and frequently. We bring our open hearts to you.
In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen.
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