Thursday, November 7, 2024

What is Best for You

Isaiah 48:17  I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.

Isaiah 58:11a  The LORD will guide you always…

            It is hard to believe that the holiday season is fast approaching. Busyness is the tall order of the day. Already our calendars are booked to capacity. Yes, often days are busy with charitable works and meetings we consider necessary and that is commendable. But are you ever left wondering about the overall direction of your life?

How it is possible to know God’s direction and leading in my life?

How do I know that I’m doing what God wants me to do?

Let me ask you a few questions to ponder; and I will ask the same questions of myself:

·       How much time do you spend quietly listening to your Heavenly Father?

·       How much time do you spend reading the guidance he provides in his Word?

·      Is the Bible your Bread of Life, or do you treat it as if it is meant for Sunday reading only, or like a piece of cake for special events only?

·   Do you make the effort to observe opportunities for service that the Heavenly Father places in your pathway?

·      If the Lord spoke to your heart, would you have time to listen and answer, or would he get a busy signal or voice mail message?

            I am convinced the major reason we wonder about God’s direction and leading in our life is that we stay too busy to respond to his still quiet voice in our hearts, too busy to read his Word, too busy to pray. God truly knows what is best for our life and how our life will interweave with the lives of those around us. He is ready to lead and guide us if we are ready to listen.

Gracious Heavenly Father,

            Forgive our busyness. Teach us to make time with you a priority in our lives. Thank you for your leading, guiding, and direction in our lives. May all that we think, say, and do be a reflection of those things important to you; those things that bring honor and glory to your name.

            In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.


The devotional What is Best for You appeared first on Write From My Heart at

Email (I’d like to hear from you!): Dotty Willmon,


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