The Story: Chapter 1 The Bible: Genesis 1-4
Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made—and it was very good!
Genesis 2:16-17 Then the LORD God commanded the man, “You may freely eat fruit from every tree of the orchard, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will surely die.”
Genesis 3:4-5 The serpent said to the woman, “Surely you will not die, for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will open and you will be like God, knowing good from evil.”
Perhaps it is unwise for me to begin such a lengthy series with a hard-hitting topic. Perhaps it would be pleasant to start with some ooey-gooey feel-good topic. But the fact is, God created everything and when he was done, He proclaimed it good (i.e., needing no further adjustments or modifications). The first recorded humans, Adam & Eve, were given freedom of access to all that was created except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Anything they desired was theirs for their taking and enjoyment with that single exception.
What immediately follows is the deception of the serpent which incites mankind to take his eyes off His Creator and follow that which was created. From this instant forward, the world and all that was created would be forever tainted and found lacking in the eyes of The Creator. From this instant forward, there would be a need for a Savior—already planned for and waiting for the proper time of implementation.
Yet one other detail—a less popular one—needs to be addressed. It is the two lies of the serpent which are still prominent today. 1) you won’t die 2) you’ll be like God These two lies are still the founding principles of many denominations today and taught in Christian classrooms and from church pulpits to this very day.
As we explore lessons from the Bible, we will repeatedly see the consequences of what happens to people who absorb these two lies. We will come to better understand our need for a Savior and see how God’s plan of salvation unfolds. It is my hope that as we study God’s plan for the future of his faithful ones, we will be able to come to an understanding of the importance of recognizing the serpents lies for what they are and perhaps gain a new understanding of those things yet to come.
Today’s Prayer Suggestion: Offer a prayer of humble thanksgiving to your Heavenly Father for his plan of salvation available through his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Ask for wisdom and clarity as you begin this in-depth study of God’s Word.
The devotional Beginning at the Beginning appeared first on Write From My Heart at
Email: Dotty Willmon,
The Scriptures quoted are from the NET Bible® copyright © 1996, 2019 used with permission from Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved.
General format for WFMH devotionals will follow the pattern of chapters outlined in The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, M. Lucado & R. Frazee, Zondervan, 2005, 2008, 2011.
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