Thursday, May 27, 2021

WEARY - Part Two


Write From My Heart

May 27, 2021


WEARY  lack of patience, tolerance, or zeal


Malachi 2:17 (NLT)   You have wearied the LORD with your words. “How have we wearied him?” you ask. You have wearied him by saying that all who do evil are good in the LORD’s sight, and he is pleased with them. You have wearied him by asking, “Where is the God of justice?”


Ponder this: (Part Two) One of the most egregious cultural habits of our time is the lack of taking responsibility for our own actions. It is never my fault, someone else imposed it upon me or caused it to happen to me. It is always the duty for someone else to fix it for me. After all, I deserve it, it’s my right. This may seem a bit shocking, or at the very least eye-opening, but don’t we treat God in the same manner? It’s not my fault the world is in tough shape, it’s not my fault our nation is in rapid downhill decline. After all, we reason, it’s God’s job to fix things for me. And in our prayers we dare to test God’s patience and tolerance by asking him when he’s going to get around to fixing things—while we sit idly, doing nothing but waiting. Perhaps it is time we ask ourselves what responsibility we have in working toward spreading the gospel to a lost and dying world. Whether that involves speaking to a neighbor, to younger generations, to community leaders (or becoming a community leader), exercising responsibility in voting, teaching, preaching, sending cards of encouragement, leading a Bible study, or baking a pie…perhaps it is time to go to work for God’s kingdom. Perhaps it is time to stop worrying about God’s timing and start responsibly utilizing the time he has graciously allotted us.

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